Transport partner
for the  vegetable industry

As a partner to market gardeners  and  industrial  processing plants, Magnes transports  vegetables harvested  throughout  the  year:potatoes, beetroot, onions, carrots, beans, turnips, parsnips, celeriac,  salsify.

Magnes can  accommodate market  requirements and  supports the  agricultural world’s  stakeholders in their  transport,  by making  technical and organizational  skills available. We are  present at the  heart of  French  production zones.

Our experience  serving  the  vegetable production industry

Our bulk road transport solutions

Whether it’s potatoes, beetroot, onions, carrots, beans, turnips, parsnips, celeriac or salsify, Magnes transports the vegetables harvested throughout the seasons and annual campaigns from the field to the plant or packer:

Your contacts for  bulk vegetable road  transport

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