Our expertise in the road transport of bulk and palletized freight
Agri-food bulk transport
Agri-food bulk transport
Transport solutions that vary according to season and crop . Transport your fruit, vegetables, cereals and by-products according to
the specifications required for that product.
Our transport solutions
Bulk transport of minerals and ore
From raw materials
to finished products
to finished products
Bulk transport of minerals and ore
From raw materials
to finished products Check out our bulk transport options for minerals and ore in France
Our transport solutions
to finished products Check out our bulk transport options for minerals and ore in France
Palletized freight transport
Meeting the highest standards
Palletized freight transport
Meeting the highest standards
Discover our road transport options for dry and temperature-controlled freight
for palletized goods for industry, super and hypermarkets and wholesale trading centers
Our transport solutions
How to
contact us
Agri-food bulk transport
Agri-food bulk transport
Transport solutions that vary according to season and crop . Transport your fruit, vegetables, cereals and co-products according to
the specifications required for that product.
Our transport solutions
Bulk transport of minerals and ore
From raw materials
to finished products
to finished products
Bulk transport of minerals and ore
From raw materials
to finished products Check out our bulk transport options for minerals and ore in France
Our transport solutions
to finished products Check out our bulk transport options for minerals and ore in France
Palletized freight transport
Meeting the highest standards
Palletized freight transport
To very high standards
Discover our road transport options for dry and temperature-controlled freight
for palletized goods for industry, super and hypermarkets and wholesale trading centers
Our transport solutions
How to
contact us
Our areas of expertise
Originally from the Aveyron area in France, Magnes has been a road transport player in solid bulk freight for more than sixteen years. In a bid to best meet customers’ needs, Magnes also transports packaged or palletized freight (big bag, pallet box, crate).
Road transport is the preferred route for shippers and industry. Historically specialized in agri-food bulk transport, today Magnes manages road transport flows for :
- Bulk agri-food
- Bulk Mineral and ore
- Palettized goods
Why choose Magnes?
We ensure road transport services for our clients,
who want to out-source specific logistical needs so as to focus on their core business.
Choosing Magnes for your transport operations allows you
to guarantee your transport flows:
- You have access to a nationwide capacity that is available and flexible as we make transport resources available that are adapted to your products.
- Thanks to our network coverage and the responsiveness of our teams, we can handle your transport needs quickly and efficiently .
- You will enjoy competitive pricing: our operational efficiency and the combining of flows allows us to limit the number of empty runs .
- We are with you with every step throughout your seasons and campaigns, responding to the growing volumes of freight to be carried.
- You will reduce the number of deliverydelays as we guarantee the punctuality of loading and unloading.
- We meet your specifications within our certified quality process .
- Your flows are planned, followed and tracked.
Our branches
in France
- Agri-food sector
- Mineral and ore
- Palletized goods
- Group branches
Contact us
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